Utility Functions (nips.utils)

nips.utils Package

The nips.utils module contains the miscellaenous classes and functions for the nips package.


f_common(i1, i2, sca)

Function to return the common indices between two I2D instances

f_compare_pix_i2d(filename, i1, i2, sca, …)

Function to compare I2D instances on pixel level

f_compare_pix_r1d(filename, r1, r2[, …])

Function to compare R1D instances on pixel level

f_compare_pix_r2d(filename, r1, r2[, …])

Function to compare R2D instances on pixel level

f_figure_overlap(filename, i1, i2[, title, …])

Function to plot the overlap of both sca of two I2D instances

f_figure_overlap_zoom(filename, i1, i2[, …])

Function to plot a zoomed version of the overlap of both sca of two I2D instances

f_flag_invalid(qflags, quality)

Function to flag the input quality flags as invalid

f_overlap(i2d1, i2d2)

Creates two new instances that have the exact same cut-out

f_plot_overlap(axis, i1, i2, sca[, c1, c2, …])

Function to plot the overlap of the two I2D instances

f_print_progress(count, total[, suffix])

f_sanity_check(filename, i1, i2, sca, …[, …])

Function to check if the backtrace assigned the right coordinates

f_sanity_check_old(filename, i1, i2, sca, …)

Function to check if the backtrace assigned the right coordinates