
Welcome to the NIPS documentation!

The NIRSpec Instrument Pipeline Software (NIPS) is a framework for spectrum extraction from JWST/NIRSpec count rate maps. It is designed to work directly on the output of the ESA pre-processing pipeline products or an IPS simulation, in combination with several reference files. It provides various functions ranging from spectrum extraction, application of reference files to the final photometric calibration of the data.

The pipeline can process MOS, SLIT, and IFS exposures. There is a default extraction method for all types, but the user can use custom scripts, manipulate data externally, and use it for further processing. The pipeline inputs are processed count rate maps, the output format and type can be defined by the user. The default processing executes all steps needed to fully calibrate the designated mode.

Apart from the documentation of the main pipeline class (Pipeline, and especially the PipelineParameters.m_set() method) and the pipeline’s step modules and data classes, there is an overview of the technical implementation and the data handling as well as detailed description on how to install the pipeline using Anaconda. To process exposures there is the pipeline method m_process_exposure(), which can execute a full extraction or just different parts. Three standard examples for MOS, SLIT and IFS data are shown in the example scripts document. Finally, if custom processing is desired, there is an explanation of the typical processing methods, which then can be assembled to an individual script.



Indices and tables